The agricultural in Yemen is characterized in variety in its products because of the disparity of the climate features which is resulted from the differences in the temperatures, rain and moisture.
Therefore, the planets region is differentiate which is helped to produce a lot of kinds.
In Yemen the agricultural area is 15390006 hectares.
Why We Exist
GLOBAL LINK established section to improve its local exports for fruits and vegetables.
Because of the increase of the global markets requests in natural ,healthy and tasty fruits and vegetables.
To offer our customers nutritious products which are also tasteful and safe.
To be fair ,ethical and respectful in our dealing with our suppliers , growers and customers.
To provide a safe and charming environment for our workers.
1- To improve the agricultural exports in Yemen.
2- To support the local economy by the foreign currency .
3- To insert the Yemeni fruits and vegetables in Global markets.
4- To create job chances for idleness.
5- To build meaningful relationships with our nature, customers and international markets.
Benefits of Grapes & Pomegranates
1-Grapes offer a wealth of health benefits due to their high nutrient and antioxidant contents.
2-Antioxidants in grapes such as resveratrol reduce inflammation and may help protect against chronic health conditions.
3-Grapes are a good source of Vitamin C . Which has beneficial impact on immune system that may protect against certain bacteria, viruses & yeast infections.
4-Grape component may improve memory , Attention and mood .
5-Grapes contain minerals necessary for bone health , including Ca, My , K , Ph , Manganese & Vitamin K.
It is easy to add grapes in your diet, whether fresh or frozen as juice.
Grapes contain minerals necessary for bone health , including Ca, Mg, K, Ph, Manganese & vit K.
1- Pomegranates are one of healthiest fruits on earth.
2- Pomegranates contain two plant compounds puniealagins and punicic acid with powerfuls medicinal properties.
3- The pomegranates have antioxidation and antin flammatory properties that protect the body against cancer diabetes arthritis and joint pain.
4- The pomegranates may reduce the risle of hyportension and heart disease because of containing potassium.
5-Pomegranates may help fight bacterial and fungal infection , improve memory and Exercise performance.